Ashstone Rules

Ashstone is a free-to-play game. Additional character slots and can be purchased as well as special items (like a very shiny sword (these will need to be ‘crafted’ by a PC). Nothing can be bought that alters the game balance or gives your characters any game-system advantage. These are just for the coolness factor. You'll need an account to make a character, and you need a character to play the game.

Once you sign up for an account, you'll be able to set up your character. You'll be able to choose your species, stats, and starting skills.

A tutorial is available for new players to teach you how to move through the game and interact with other peoples' characters and objects in the game.

The game is for players 18 years and up. Despite this, we do expect players will behave appropriately.

Harassment of players and staff will not be tolerated.

Be a nice player. Your characters can be as nice or mean as you like.

Do not disclose another players' alts to anyone if you happen to know them.

Do not cheat. We might notice. We might not notice. We might notice and talk about you behind your back because of it. You never know. We might give you a stern talking to. We really don't want to do that.

Breaking these rules can result in disciplinary action including suspension or ejection from the game.